PTSD and Trauma Treatment

Phobia Treatment

General or Focused Treatment
PTSD and other trauma treatment for Veterans and other trauma survivors.
Phobias of all kind including but not limited too, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, arachnophobia, aerophobia.
General or more focused treatments for anxiety, depression, anger, and other traumas.
How Can TFT Help You?
Thought Field Therapy is a nonintrusive therapy to have you evolve from victim to survivor and ultimately prevail our your trauma. No matter how long ago you experienced your traumatic event(s), TFT curtails your emotional upsets. Intrusive thoughts will no longer plague your emotions. Avoidance will no longer be your mantra. What takes talk therapy two years to accomplish, TFT does in days. TFT is highly effective and often extremely rapid in its effects. This therapy does not cause distress in the client and immediate benefits in terms of relief from emotional distress are reported. With TFT, there is no talk. You do not need to feel vulnerable and tell your trauma to the practitioner. The practitioner walks you through the therapy and you do the work in your mind. TFT gives immediate relief in minutes with no negative side effects. TFT treats PTSD, depression, anxiety, and phobias.